School Profile
The goal of Lowndes County's Career Technical Education Program is to provide students access to a flexible system of rigorous academic and work-based learning through a sequence of courses designed to prepare them for life after high school. Upon completion, students are equipped to transition into the world of work, four-year baccalaureate, or two - year technical programs. This system will result in graduates having industry recognized credentials to meet today's skilled and technological workforce needs. The courses are designed to provide content that is student-centered, following career pathways that include academic and Career Technical Education courses specifically directed to students' key interests and skill level. The Lowndes County Career Technical Education Program (LCCTEP) is committed to ensuring that each of its graduates are prepared to meet that challenges of our ever changing global workforce.
These programs combine hands on-technical training with core academic subject matter and project-based instruction designed to reflect real world environments in which students will work. Students have the opportunity to explore programs of study in diverse fields such as modern manufacturing, business administrative services, agriscience, computer science, jobs for Alabama's graduates (JAG) and welding. Our mission is to make sure that students take advantage of the opportunities that CTE offers as they matriculate through their secondary education experience.